
Showing posts from January, 2010

Secularism in India

(Please note this article/thesis’ sanity remains constrained only in India and applicable only to Indians.) In India, an Indian is either a Hindu, or a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Jain or a Buddhist….. or a Secularist. And India is a Secular country. My title, ain’t so thought provoking. It’s simple, you cannot be or at least not claim to be, a Hindu/Muslim (etc.) and secularist at the same time. The word secular was interpolated in our constitution by an amendment in 1976. I remember saying this to one of my secular friend who chided me for using jargons like amendment and interpolation. To answer him I have to say that these are matchless words which best describe the situation. Amendment is a change made to the constitution by a parliamentary bill/order. Interpolation is an addition/append made to the constitutional literacy. It means the word secular wasn’t mentioned in the constitution by the constitution framers, dated back to late 40’s. My point of argument is th...