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SS: The following piece of writing is purely satirical and hypothetical. It does not resemble any person/object or situation in reality, any similarity to real life person/object should be taken as a pure co-incidence. Getting an over-head projector (OHP) in any normal college is one simple thing. Go and visit the staff room, and swap your ID card for the projector. Plug in the wires, adjust the focus and you are done. An excellent substitute for black-board notes, making lives of so many teachers across the globe easier. Not to forget the benefits of the same to the students who don’t have to burn their retinas in comprehending the caricatures, I mean diagrams, made by their teachers on the black-board. When it comes to an engineering college in MU, there is a twist in everything, right from the first day in the college. You are made to sign a self-imposed imposition; I mean the admission form of course, of ‘Imprisonment in the institution for 4 years or more for some special out-stan...