The Political Travesty

How do you react when someone asks ‘you’ about Politics? (Unless you are in that rare bunch of people who are politically inclined) Usually ‘you’ will ignore the question with disgust on your face. But isn’t the same ‘you’ who will abuse the politicians and loathe the system when you are seeing a new scam popping up on your news channel. Every day a new fraud is unearthed and every day a new word is added to your list of abuses aimed towards the politicians. You lament over the present situation yet show your outrage for the people involved, still you decline to comment on it publicly and sometime even refuse to vote. This indifference towards the system just widens the gap between the People and the Power. The first step to reconciliation is elections. Here is where the fun begins! To win an election in India, all you need is 3 things: money to dispense, issues to rattle on and a specious opposition to bark on. The first depends on the party the candidate is representing, second i...