Temple Run 2 review!

Temple Run has to be one of the most played games on the mobile phone! It is simple, yet addictive and I was no alien to it! I have played over a thousand games, with a multiplier of 43x, have achieved majority of the objectives. (only those who have played it will understand) One fine day, I read it in an English daily that Temple Run 2 had been launched, and I quickly installed it and am playing the newer version almost every day !! This is a mini-review of Temple Run 2…. First of all, the game has taken considerable leaps in terms of graphics. The terrain has completely changed with the newer one looks more like a fort built on a mountain rather than a traditional temple. However the best part of the terrain is the addition of interesting features/obstacles such as the waterfalls, rivers, zip-lines, cut-trees, arch-bridges, stairs and even tunnels (where one travels in a cart). Along with that, the road is zig-zag and not straight unlike the one in the game’s ...