Because Merica!

My business visit to US was my maiden outside India. I am penning down a few interesting thoughts. This being the first of the two blog posts. I now know why the word fuck( -ing ) is so common in Murica! It’s the things in USA that make you use the word so often- especially for someone who is not so familiar with the settings. These are my ‘first reactions’ to random things I saw across The States (though I have lived only in one State- WA). Roads - fucking awesome Traffic - fucking disciplined Beyond imagination. Climate - fucking cold Cars - fucking huge. I mean they don’t drive cars, they drive Rams and Tanks! Toyota Fortuner dominates India's roads- but is akin to a Tata Nano in front of GMCs Volvos and Jeeps o'there! Uber - fucking delightful. We took 3 Uber rides and I was absolutely astonished by their hospitality. I am dedicating a separate article on one of the rides Lift - fucking swift By the time our office lift zapped into 11 t...