Honest Criminal

Abdul . Rahim. Telgi to a reporter (Solapur, 29th July ‘09)

(Translated 4m Marathi to English by me [J])

Rep: Sir, why are you here

ART: Dunno, they call’d in for a ‘Khandani’(security money of that sort) case…

Rep: Are you guilty this time *shrugs*???

(ART *Rebukes the claim, quite hilariously*)

ART: I have done scandals of crores and including politicians *smiles*,then do you think I have time to do such ‘kirkol’ (meaning trivial) crimes….*starts laughing*

Reporters and Police officers present at the site, all, burst in laughter


Our Politicians must take a lesson from this criminal


Aamil said…
I presume you meant Abdul KARIM Telgi

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