Will the real Holy Cow please stand up?
Cow Slaughter and Beef ban are subjects which are recently
trending in India. In the language of the recently aired ludicrous TV Ad of Fogg
deodorant- “ye chal raha hai” Hindustan me!
So let me jump on the bandwagon and share my 2 cents!
Looking from the logic of those who are opposing beef; In
India we consider Cow to be a holy animal. Hence killing a ‘holy creature’ (quirky
that the list also includes humans) is a crime (read law) and hence consuming
Beef (read cow slaughter) is akin to a murder!
For whatever reasons- be it political, social, religious, or
cultural- the Cow is considered holy.
But are we giving that respect to the poor animal? In most
cities we find cows roaming around the streets, eating garbage and waste left
by diviner-than-them species (read Humans). Their food includes hazardous
Cows are hit by cars and vehicles all over in India. Irony
is that I have seen online forums where drivers have asked whether their cars
will be covered in accidental insurance if they hit a cow! Irony died a million
deaths when the same gentlemen posts on banning beef in the next browser tab!
You may ask- What is YOUR view? I’d say- I don’t care. I don’t
eat beef because of other reasons (read choice) but I find the argument to the
logic of ‘oppose beef because Cow if divine’ lopsided.

I will oppose Beef when India treats cows with the same affection as a Rottweiler
or a Pug.
I will oppose Beef when you will start treating cows like braided horses- a
mark of passion rather than pity.
Will the real Holy Cow lover please stand up?