A little of me who speaks
Theres a little of me who speaks
A little he, a little she
A little he, a little she
A little of me wants to sleep and dream, rest and bask in the sun
A little of me wants to wake up and run
A little of me wants to wake up and run
A little of me wants to travel the land, visit places, experience and interact
A little of me wants to discover my act
A little of me wants to discover my act
A little of me seeks the luxuries of the world, wants to live life king size
A little of me just wants comfort and rice
A little of me just wants comfort and rice
A little of me wants to climb mountains, swim lakes, cross rivers, get lost in the sea
A little of me wants to return home and have a good nights sleep
A little of me wants to return home and have a good nights sleep
A little of me wants you, your body, with the little pleasure you give me
A little of me just wants your company
A little of me just wants your company
A little of me wants to revolt, disrupt and change
A little of me wants but to consolidate
A little of me wants but to consolidate
A little of me will never settle, till the other little has tested her mettle
In places I travel around the globe I seek home
When at home I seek the globe
When at home I seek the globe
Confused am I as always, which path should I take
Luxury and comfort stand on my way
Luxury and comfort stand on my way
Heart and the brain have to parley
The road you have paved is full of experiences- many times called mistakes
There is no detour in the journey of life
But a concoct of give and take
But a concoct of give and take
A visible singularity divided into two